George Washington- The first American Leader

When thinking about leaders throughout the world, how does the first president of our great nation George Washington not come to mind?  George Washington had numerous leadership qualities about him, that without these qualities, America and United State citizens would not be what it is today.  My life, your life, and future lives would not have the opportunities that we do had George Washington not have possessed the leadership qualities that he did.  One thing many people do not know about George Washington, that stands out in the fact that he led the way he did, is that he was very short-tempered.  One of his greatest attributes was that he, as a leader, could handle his emotions and was able to get the things he wanted accomplished.   The main idea that we should take from this is, that as leaders, we are constantly going to be faced with situations that will alter our emotions and moods.   Being able to control our moods and emotions when things do not go our way is a key to leading our followers in the right direction.  If we, as leaders, let our emotions get the best of us we will in turn stop thinking with our heads and begin thinking with our emotions, leading to a poor outcome.  George Washing ton made his decisions that put the United States where it is today, by controlling his emotions and thinking with his head and leading his followers to their target.  Without George Washington’s amazing skill to do so, none of us would have the opportunities we have today.  Thank you George Washington, for showing us as potential leaders, the importance in controlling our emotions when we are leading our followers. ImageImage

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